You need Mesa(3.0 or better) or the Open GL graphics library before you can build
the GUI part of my code. Download it at the Mesa 3-D site:
Here is a link to my first journal paper. The paper is titled,
Re-examining the QUICKEST algorithm for two-dimensional incompressible fluids
pubished in the journal, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids .
It is based on my fluid dynamics code,
Here are some Finite Element Resources on the Net. Basically, they are pages which have
linked to mine.
SAL - Scientific Applications on Linux -
FEMur - Finite Element Method universal resource -
The Premier host of Free Software and Open Source projects.
They are also hosting
Freshmeat - Very current general software archive -
FreeBSD Ports: CAD
The FreeBSD people seem to view my software as mainly for CAD. That's
fine by me. You can use this site as another download mirror.
NEi Nastran
is a powerful general purpose finite element analysis tool with
an integrated graphical user interface and model Editor which is used to
analyze linear and nonlinear stress, dynamics, and heat transfer
characteristics of structures and mechanical components.
This page
on their site contains a list of engineering resources.
Mark Hampsey's Ph.D thesis used SLFFEA for some of his work. The title is
Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimisation of Small Wind Turbine Blades
which you can read more about at the
University of Newcastle Wind Energy Group's site
You can get a PDF file of it
Bastiaan N. Veelo made a study of using Open Source in a paper called
The Potential of Free Software for Ship Design. It contains a good
survey of various Free engineering packages. You can get the PDF
The Linux Software Encyclopedia
A group at the University of Illinois, on their CS433 Course Project page,
had a Sun port of the brick, as well as make a study involving different
solution methods. They've also parallelized the code. Their page is no longer
there, but I have downloaded their code.
Qi Yang's
homepage. He is working on a Windows port and has submitted
some nice
bug fixes . His page is also a good resource for
MFC programmers.
Dan Holstein's
homepage. He wrote a GiD data
converter for SLFFEA.
Informacje Ogolne Page
Liste de Logiciels d'Analyse Numérique Gratuits
Rowin Andruscavage
combined FEA with Gnome 3D tetris using SLFFEA to make
What an interesting
use of Finite Element Analysis! This reminds me of
Julian Holt's work.
Another extensive software directory.
Roland Smith's bookmark page
XWING.ORG's excellent engineering resource.
An Italian software directory.
Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Miranda's Home page.
A German directory of numerical software.
The Finite Element Modelling Group
which is related to
Queen's University, Belfast.
This page
is a "Directory of Engineering, FEA and CAD Freeware & Shareware".
It has many links.
SLFFEA is listed in this
collection of BeOS applications . The site is a directory of software which can run
on the BeOS operation system.
This page
has a good collection of scientific software links.
Teknik Sipil Unhas
site has many engineering related links.
Italian site
has lots of information on FEM as applied to mechanics including software,
tutorials, links, and books.
Engineers Edge site
has a page which lists several engineering software packages.
Some very good GNU/Linux resources are at:
You should also visit the page of the Free Software Foundation:
Dr.Pozrikidis of UCSD gave me a link from his homepage at:
He also has a book on the finite element method called
Introduction to Finite and Spectral Element Methods using Matlab
which you can get at:
The above site has all the Matlab codes contained in the book.
It also has a list of useful links.
Finally, here's a link to the distribution of GNU/Linux that I use: