FEATFLOW is a sophisticated FEA CFD code
for incompressible laminar Newtonian fluids. The visualization you see below was done
through SLFFEA although FEATFLOW comes with its own
visualization software. It also has some very impressive mesh generators.
This is a 1184 element 1485 node mesh of a 3-D rectangular region
with a cylindrical obstruction. This mesh is an example mesh which can be
generated by the mesh generator.
This is the x component of velocity for the problem described
above although the discretization has been increased to 75776 elements and
80388 nodes. The cutting planes feature of SLFFEA was used to see the flow
near the center.
This is an image of the pressure distribution for the above
A version of the above problem was also solved in
2-D by featflow. This is an image of the stream function after
54 time steps at 3.00789428 seconds.
The same problem as above, but the pressure is shown.